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Millennial Outlook

Millennial outlook Pension saving high up on the list of workplace priorities Workers from the so-called ‘millennial generation’ are putting pension saving high up their list of workplace priorities. Nearly six in ten (57%) people in their first ten years of work considered the quality of their current employer’s pension scheme before deciding whether to take the job, and they will also assess any potential new employer’s pension scheme before moving jobs in the future, according to research from Prudential[1].

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Countdown to Retirement

Countdown to retirement Matching the living standards of those who have already retired Retirement can mean different things to different people. Understanding how much it will take to provide an income for yourself and potentially a spouse, while also ensuring you are able to leave something behind for your loved ones after your death, is essential. Number of factors  This will ultimately depend on a number of factors: primarily how much income you think you will need over the course

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Investing for the Future

Investing for the future Higher inflation and near-zero interest rates mean the responsible thing to do could be to invest rather than to save Many of us have been brought up to believe that saving is the responsible thing to do. But in today’s environment of low interest rates and rising inflation, savers may need to consider becoming investors to prevent the erosion of their assets. Since the global financial crisis of 2007/08, the world’s central banks, including the Bank

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Planning the Future you Want

Planning the future you want Pension freedoms bring optimism and adventure to retirement Will I ever slow down? Do I have the right plans in place? Retirement is a chance to do more of what you enjoy. figures released as part of LV=’s tenth annual State of Retirement report[1] indicate that, far from winding down, retirees are making the most of their time, with signs that pension freedoms have made people even more likely to feel this way. Half (49%)

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Do you have a Financial Back-up Plan this Year?

Do you have a financial back-up plan this year? Be prepared if life throws something unexpected your way Unforeseen life events and circumstances can potentially impact your finances in a number of ways. Hundreds of thousands of people are diagnosed with cancer each year in the UK and it is becoming more common among those of working age. Cancer treatment can cause many to have to work reduced hours or stop working altogether. Sufferers should be able to make getting

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ISA Returns of the Year

ISA returns of the year Taking control over where your money is invested tax-efficiently A new tax year is nearly upon us – and that means, for all diligent savers and investors, you should make sure that you take full advantage of your current Individual Savings Account (ISA) tax-efficient allowance. An ISA is a tax-efficient investment wrapper in which you can hold a range of investments, including bonds, equities, property, multi-asset funds and even cash, giving you control over where

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‘Sandwich’ Generation

‘Sandwich’ generation Not having enough money for retirement is the biggest concern Average life expectancy has generally been increasing, and for the ‘sandwich’ generation, saving for their retirement is clearly a big concern – and with plans to contribute financially to support their children and parents, it’s perhaps no wonder. A survey by the Association of Investment Companies[1] of the sandwich generation aged 35–55 who have elderly parents and children and a minimum household income of £50k found that half

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Sleepwalking into Retirement

Sleepwalking into retirement Lack of pension knowledge among UK adults The UK’s middle-aged workers could be sleepwalking into retirement poverty. Four in ten people aged between 40 and 65 cannot accurately estimate their total pension savings for retirement. Just over a third of 60 to 65-year-olds who took part in a questionnaire by the JLT Employee Benefits research do not know the size of their retirement fund. Additionally, two thirds of 40 to 65-year-olds with pension savings of under £250,000

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Will you Make Provision for all Those you Hold Dear?

Will you Make Provision for all Those you Hold Dear? Getting your affairs in order and planning what you want to pass on to loved ones Writing a will may seem daunting, and with everything else we should be thinking about it becomes just another chore on the to-do list. It’s especially important for cohabitating couples to have a will, as the surviving partner does not automatically inherit any estate or possessions left behind. Getting your affairs in order and planning

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Reach Your Financial Goals

Reach your financial goals Helping you realise your retirement vision We’ve now entered a new age of retirement planning with the introduction of pension freedoms. Your retirement is likely to be the most important time in your life you’ll even plan for – you could be retired for 20 years or more. Thinking about pensions sooner rather than later can mean the difference between a comfortable retirement and struggling to make ends meet. Unfortunately, some people put off retirement planning when they

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Making Solid Financial Resolutions

Making Solid Financial Resolutions Grow your money and live the life you want The New Year is the perfect time to overhaul your life for the better, and one excellent place to start is by making solid financial resolutions that can help get you closer to your money goals, whether it’s increasing your retirement savings or setting enough money aside for a down payment on a house. Investing is not just about what you know but also who you are.

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Creating Wealth for Children

Creating Wealth for Children For many people, investing in their child’s future is one of the most important things they can do. Whether you save little and often or have bigger sums of money to invest, keep going over a few years and you will soon have a very useful amount.  This can go a long way towards setting them on the road to being independent or encouraging them to become savers themselves. Getting children involved in savings early on

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