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Articles of interest

Retirement longevity
Retirement longevity Your destiny is now in your own hands If you are in your 50s or 60s, your thoughts are probably turning towards retirement. When should you retire? How much money do you need? In trying to answer these questions, you face a problem. Because of longevity trends, we are on average living longer. With longevity increasing, your wealth may have to provide you and your spouse or partner with an adequate income for 30 or even 40 years.

Healthy, wealthy and well advised
Healthy, wealthy and well advised Financial complexities of passing on wealth Passing on wealth is a sensitive subject, not just because of the financial complexities of it all, but also the emotion and family politics involved. Having built up their business or wealth, many families often wish to enjoy it whilst also ensuring that it is passed on to the next generation in their families. Passing on what you have accrued in the most efficient way is of paramount importance.

What’s your magic number?
What’s your magic number? Your five-year plan to a comfortable retirement Retiring is a huge life event. And the very concept of retirement is changing with phased retirement becoming more common. The way we access our pension is now a lot more flexible, and it’s no secret that in the UK we’re living longer than ever before which means we need to make the right choices. So you’re now age 50 and you want to wave goodbye to the 9-to-5

Making plans for your retirement
Making plans for your retirement Tailored to match your particular needs and aspirations One of the most important stages in life which everybody has to save for is retirement. We work hard to enjoy our current lifestyle but are we doing enough to ensure that we can continue to enjoy it in our retirement? Many of us live for today, but saving into a private pension plan can help us retire sooner rather than later. Pension plans are as individual

Inheritance Tax
Inheritance Tax No longer something that only affects the very wealthy Inheritance Tax is no longer something that only affects the very wealthy, but the good news is that there are ways to limit the amount of Inheritance Tax your family may potentially face. When someone dies Inheritance Tax a tax charged on their estate above a certain value. A person’s estate is basically everything they own, including their main property, any other properties, cars, boats, life assurance policies not

Wealth creation
Wealth creation Spreading risk by accessing different types of assets Investing for the long-term means persisting through market swings. History shows that when people invest and stay invested, they’re more likely to earn positive returns in the long run. When markets start to fluctuate, it may be tempting to make financial decisions in reaction to changes to your portfolio. Investing in a pooled investment, also known as a collective investment scheme, provides investors to access investments through a fund, rather

Why do you want to invest?
Why do you want to invest? Reaching specific life goals requires planning If you don’t know where you want to go, you’ll find it tricky getting there! Investment goals cover everything from the old adage of saving for a rainy day to planning for a comfortable retirement. Goal-based investing, which emphasises investing with the objective of reaching specific life goals – such as buying a house, saving for your child’s education, or building a nest egg for retirement – instead

Building a diverse portfolio
Building a diverse portfolio Time, patience and making informed decisions – making sense of today’s market headwinds and building a diverse portfolio should be key priorities for all investors. Whether you have a lump sum to invest or want to invest regularly each month, it’s important to know your money is working hard for you. Growing your wealth is not something that happens automatically. It takes time, patience and making informed decisions. Whatever your long-term wealth priorities are, planning and

Freetirees – Pension freedoms usher in a new generation
Freetirees – Pension freedoms usher in a new generation The introduction of pension freedoms has been a huge enabler for over 55s, allowing millions to draw income from their pensions flexibly. Pension freedoms offer the opportunity to transition into retirement by continuing to work with reduced hours beyond traditional retirement age. This emerging trend enables you to choose a middle path, allowing for reduced working hours, more flexible quality leisure time, whilst also receiving your retirement benefits. Taking a phased

Retirement options
Retirement options Greater responsibility on individuals to plan for financial security in old age Deciding what to do with your pension pot is one of the most important decisions you will ever make for your future. The ‘pension freedom’ changes of April 2015 represented a complete shake-up of the UK’s pensions system, giving people much more control over their pension savings than before. New research[1] has revealed that the number of savers who have embraced their freedoms now exceeds one

Wealth protection
Wealth protection Planning your legacy Unforeseen life events and circumstances can potentially impact your finances in a number of ways. Believe it or not, you have an estate. In fact, nearly everyone does. Your estate is comprised of everything you own – your car, home, savings accounts, investments, life insurance, furniture, personal possessions – the list goes on. No matter how large or how modest, everyone has an estate and therefore shares something in common – you can’t take it

Safeguarding your wealth for future generations
Safeguarding your wealth for future generations Steps to mitigate against Inheritance Tax Unforeseen life events and circumstances can potentially impact your finances in a number of ways. We can help you to safeguard your wealth for future generations. But for many of us, there can be a remarkable gap between our intentions and our actions. Inheritance Tax (IHT) affects thousands of families every year. It comes at a time of loss and mourning and can have an impact on families