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Retirement income

Retirement income Plan to enjoy the kind of lifestyle you want in later life ‘Will I be able to afford the retirement lifestyle I want?’ is a question that many people ask but struggle to figure out. There are many ways to assess your likely income in retirement and work out how much you need to put away now to enjoy the kind of lifestyle you want in later life. This is why more and more people, where appropriate, are

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Pension freedoms

Pension freedoms Fundamental change in the approach to retirement savings A revolution in pensions transformed the retirement prospects for millions following the passing of the Pension Schemes Act 2015. April 2019 is the fourth anniversary since the introduction of the pension freedoms, a fundamental change in the approach to retirement savings. Announced by the then Chancellor, George Osborne, in Budget 2014, pension freedoms gave over-55s full control of their retirement savings. The changes which commenced on 6 April 2015 gave

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Can you afford to retire?

Can you afford to retire? Making the most of the next chapter in life Pensions can seem complicated, but the basic idea is a simple one. And increasingly, if appropriate, people are turning to private pensions as a tax-effective way to increase their retirement income. Once you’ve decided to start saving for retirement, you need to choose how you’re going to do it. The precise amount you’ll need to save each month to retire at 55 depends entirely on the

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Turning pensions into money you can use

Turning pensions into money you can use One of the most important decisions you will make for your future Under the pension freedoms rules introduced in April 2015, once you reach the age of 55, you can now take your entire pension pot as cash in one go if you wish. However, if you do this, you could end up with a large Income Tax bill and run out of money in retirement. It’s essential to obtain professional advice before

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Are you making use of unused annual pension allowances?

Are you making use of unused annual pension allowances? 2018 to 2019 could be the last tax year it may be possible for high earners to use a carry forward allowance of £40k. If you haven’t contributed your full tax-relieved allowance into your pension for the past three tax years, you could be eligible to top up this year. Our chartered financial planners are well versed in the ins and outs, so please don’t hesitate to contact us to find

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Exploring your ISA options

Exploring your ISA options Time to give your financial future a boost? The end of the tax year on 5 April is fast approaching, so make sure you’ve made the most of your annual allowances before it’s too late. No matter what, why or how you want to save and invest, an Individual Savings Account (ISA) could help make your money work harder for you. ISAs are tax-efficient wrappers. Every tax year, we each have an annual ISA allowance. If

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Blending your retirement options

Blending your retirement options Balance of flexibility and security to suit your circumstances If you are looking for a balance of flexibility and security to suit your circumstances, you could consider blending your retirement options. You don’t have to choose one option when deciding how to access your pension pot – you could set up a combination of options to suit you. You can usually take up to 25% of your pension money as tax-free cash as you choose which

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Plan, prepare

Plan, prepare Making new year’s tax saving resolutions At this time of year, we think about New Year’s resolutions, and it’s also a good time to start planning our tax affairs before the end of the tax year on 5 April. As you think about 2019 and your goals for the coming year, we can help to start you off on the right financial footing. It’s well worth spending some time in January to think about your money so you

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Looking at the big retirement picture

Looking at the big retirement picture Considering making contributions ahead of the tax year end? Investing for the future is vital if you want to enjoy a financially secure retirement, and it requires you to look at the big picture. Although pensions can be complicated, we will help you get to grips with the rules if you are considering making contributions ahead of the tax year end. Here are our top pension tax tips. Annual and lifetime limits Getting tax

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Market exposure

Market exposure Build a portfolio that meets your needs The earlier you commit to an investment strategy, the longer your money can work in the market. However, the world is an uncertain place at the moment. Investing should be for the long term. Why? Because markets and the economy have a tendency to rise over time. For investors, this should mean a return on investment for people who can ride out the ups and downs along the way – a

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You have one life, so invest wisely

You have one life, so invest wisely Identifying multiple risk profiles for multiple goals Throughout our lives, we will have many different lifestyle and financial goals that we would like to achieve. Although we all have different goals, there are some key goals that we’ll have in common, especially when it comes to retirement. What do you want from your investments? Supplementing your income? Building your retirement pot? It’s essential we tailor your investments to suit your goals. To understand

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Kevin Larroyer signs for Halifax RLFC

Kevin Larroyer signs for Halifax RLFC Investing for Tomorrow have a longstanding relationship with HRLFC and are so pleased to be saying ‘Bienvenue’ to Kevin. We hope that this hails the continuation of great things for the club in the coming year. Read more about the signing on the Halifax RLFC website.

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