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Boost your pension savings

Boost Your Pension Savings

Planning to achieve your retirement goals sooner. Are you ‘mid or late career’ or planning to retire within ten years? If the answer’s ‘yes’, then you probably want to know the answers to these questions: Will I be able to retire when I want to? Will I run out of money? How can I guarantee the kind of retirement I want? But, for many different reasons, planning for retirement is a commonly overlooked aspect of personal financial planning and this

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Goals based investing

Are you giving yourself the best chance of success? Before you start, defining any goals you may have will help you plan, budget and choose the right investments. Your goals might be around enhancing your current lifestyle, planning for your family or your own retirement. The sooner you start investing, the better off you will be. Match your long-term investment goals with your short-term lifestyle aspirations. When you have created your goals and time frames, define your budget. Be realistic

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Advice matters

Life events that professional financial advice can help you navigate. In the current climate, we understand that you may be feeling worried about your work, your finances and what the future holds. Research carried out by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) found that, since the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19), over 25 million people have experienced ‘high’ levels of anxiety[1]. Professional financial advice offers so much more than just practical, financial benefits. It also helps to improve your emotional wellbeing

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Passing on pension benefits

Providing for your loved ones after your death. If you’ve spent a lifetime saving for retirement, you’d probably like any remaining money to go to a loved one after your death. But whether pension benefits are payable to a beneficiary, and how they’ll receive them, is dependent on the type of pension you’ve chosen and how you’ve accessed it in your retirement. Thanks to changes in the way that pensions are taxed, more of your fund can survive your death

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Combined finances

Planning ahead for your financial future together. Some couples may prefer to keep their finances separate, while others share everything. Whichever method you’ve chosen, when it comes to retirement saving, it’s worth planning together to ensure you’ve made the most of all the allowances and benefits offered to couples. Your golden years may ultimately be the best of your relationship if you understand each other’s future goals, needs and expectations. Set your budget The first step of planning for retirement

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Reduce your Inheritance Tax bill

10 ways to protect your estate for your loved ones. Even those who believe they have moderate wealth levels may still need to take action to minimise Inheritance Tax, particularly if they own property and have savings and investments. Inheritance Tax is payable in the UK on death, and sometimes when you give away certain assets during your lifetime. It can be a great concern for individuals with wealth exceeding the current £325,000 nil-rate band (2020/21 tax year). Naturally, you’ll

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Responsible investing

Invest today. Change tomorrow. Responsible, sustainable and environmentally friendly investing is here to stay. But, while demand is growing among all age groups, genders and income bands, some savers and investors are missing their biggest opportunity for responsible investing, which is through their pension. We all want to make responsible choices as more of us are becoming aware of global challenges, such as environmental issues, human rights and climate change. We’re also starting to care more about how our behaviours

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Tax planning reimagined

Identifying the best options to preserve your wealth. No one likes to pay tax on their hard-earned money. But due to the complexities of the tax system, without expert professional financial advice, some individuals could be paying more tax than necessary. Before the end of every tax year on 5 April, you have the opportunity to save money on taxes and plan for the year ahead. As we approach the end of the tax year, now is the time to

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Inflation beaters

How to ensure your money is protected from rising inflation. With current interest rates on cash savings very low, it is difficult to achieve growth above the rate of inflation. And if the cost of living is rising faster than your savings are growing, you’re effectively losing money. With cash savings, a penny saved is a penny earned. But thanks to inflation, over time, the value of the penny saved could be much less than when it was earned. When

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ISA deadline 5 April 2021: use it or lose it

Make the most of the tax breaks before it’s too late. If you hold a Cash Individual Savings Account (ISA) you may be dissatisfied with the low rates of interest you receive, which could make it difficult to grow your money even at a rate that keeps pace with inflation. Stocks & Shares ISAs offer the possibility of higher returns than Cash ISAs, but only if you’re prepared to take some risks with your savings. These investment accounts offer tax-efficient

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Wealth needs managing – now more than ever

Achieving your financial goals through investing, and one size does not fit all. Even as we hope to put the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the rearview mirror in 2021, uncertainty regarding both the virus and Brexit is likely to continue to weigh on the UK and global economies as well as on our personal finances during this year. While we hope volatility is less elevated this year, financial markets and the economy could still remain at the mercy of COVID-19

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5 healthy financial habits you shouldn’t ignore

How to get your finances in order to make more of your money. Do you feel like your financial life has been turned upside down during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic? Or, has the start of the new year focused you on getting your finances in order to make more of your money? Whatever the answer is, it’s important to adopt healthy financial habits. But just as bad habits can get you into financial trouble, good habits can help keep you

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