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A timely proposition

Considering gilts for your investment portfolio? High-interest rates make gilts an attractive option for some investors, especially higher-rate taxpayers who benefit from the tax exemption from capital gains. What exactly are gilts? These UK government bonds, or debt securities, are issued to finance public expenditure. Their appeal lies in their low-risk nature and guaranteed income. Securing Safe Investments with Gilts Gilts are considered one of the safest investment options because the British government fully backs them. Think of a gilt

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Retirement cash flow modelling

Assessing your current and projected wealth, income and expenses. Retirement planning is of utmost importance, regardless of your income or wealth. It ensures a steady income stream after retirement and provides financial security for you and your loved ones.  Retirement cash flow modelling can provide numerous benefits to individuals seeking financial security and planning for the future. By assessing your current and projected wealth, income and expenses, retirement cash flow modelling can help you understand your current and potential future

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Cost of care in later life

Choosing the best option for yourself or your loved ones. The costs of care in later life can vary greatly and depend on a multitude of factors. Notably, the type of care required, the individual’s financial situation and their location within the UK play a significant role in determining these costs. Many underestimate the true extent of care home costs and fail to plan for them adequately. However, a comprehensive wealth strategy can provide essential financial preparedness for long-term care.

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Saving for the next generation

Taking proactive steps in securing your child’s or grandchild’s financial future. Many parents and grandparents set aside money for the next generation to help with their financial needs. The rising cost of education, housing, and life in general, has created concerns about financial stability for future generations.  Increasingly, parents and grandparents want to ensure their children and grandchildren have the financial resources to navigate these challenges successfully. Additionally, a greater awareness of the importance of financial planning and wealth accumulation

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Missing out on unclaimed money that could be in your pocket?

£1.3 billion pension tax relief unclaimed by pension savers over a five-year period. According to recent research, higher rate and additional rate taxpayers in the UK leave millions of pounds of pension tax relief unclaimed yearly[1]. This amounts to a staggering total of £1.3 billion over a five-year period. This unclaimed money could be in your pocket instead. Pension tax relief is a government incentive to encourage individuals to save for retirement. It boosts your pension contributions based on your

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Investment bonds

How bonds’ structure and tax advantages can help you pass on wealth. Investment bonds offer several benefits that some investors may be missing out on, and have become even more beneficial due to recent changes in tax regulations following the Chancellor’s decision to reduce the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Allowance from £12,000 to £6,000 this year and to £3,000 in April 2024. Minimise Inheritance Tax These changes will likely appeal to investors who want to minimise Inheritance Tax (IHT) liabilities

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Building a reliable income stream for your golden years

Make sure you maximise your retirement income through annuity shopping. When it comes to using your pension pot, buying an annuity is one option that provides a regular and guaranteed retirement income for either your lifetime or a fixed term. However, it’s important to note that purchasing an annuity is typically an irreversible decision. Do you know that shopping around for an annuity could earn you £15,000 more over your retirement?[1] Recent analysis has shed light on the benefits of

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Will you make the right decisions around your pension pot?

Why defined contribution pensions are even more appealing for wealth transfer. The announcement of the removal of the Lifetime Allowance (LTA) from the 2024/25 tax year in March’s Spring Budget 2023 has made defined contribution pensions even more appealing for wealth transfer. This benefits individuals over 55 who intend to leave their tax-free lump sum intact with their pension to maximise their benefits. There may be further changes to pension allowance rules. However, removing the LTA charge allows for an

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Preserving wealth for future generations

Starting estate planning early and implementing it in stages is desirable. The UK Treasury has been receiving record-breaking Inheritance Tax (IHT) receipts. IHT receipts amounted to approximately £7.09 billion British pounds in 2022/23, compared with £6.05 billion in the previous financial year[1]. For individuals and families who have to pay it, IHT can be emotionally challenging, often requiring the sale of cherished family assets to settle the tax bill. That’s why starting estate planning early and implementing it in stages

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Key traits for successful wealth-building

Developing an investment strategy tailored to your goals. Committing to a financial plan is crucial for building wealth and achieving long-term financial goals. When you have a plan, you are more likely to stay focused on your objectives and take the necessary steps to reach them. Planning allows you to develop an investment strategy tailored to your risk tolerance and financial goals. It helps you understand different investment options, diversify your portfolio and make informed decisions about where to allocate

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Protecting your children and securing their future

Our health, an invaluable asset, is often overlooked or taken for granted. As a parent, ensuring the well-being of your children is a top priority. From having open conversations with your partner to creating a Will, there are straightforward measures you can implement to provide them with the protection they deserve. Open the conversation Discussing sensitive topics might be uncomfortable, but it’s essential for planning and protecting your children’s future. Choose a time and place to start this important conversation

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How to invest after retirement

Ensure your wealth is preserved for future generations. As you enter your golden years, the excitement of finally retiring may be tinged with some uncertainty. With the working days behind you, it’s natural to wonder if you’ve amassed sufficient resources and how best to utilise them. Additionally, life can be unpredictable, so it’s essential to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Investing for income after retirement can seem a daunting task, but it is by no means impossible. With professional advice,

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