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Articles of interest

Wealth Navigator
Wealth Navigator Planning the BEST route for the next generation You have worked hard to build your wealth. Passing it on to the next generation fairly, safely, effectively and efficiently takes skill and careful preparation. But some people find the idea of discussing inheritance uncomfortable and subsequently put off estate planning until, in some instances, it may be too late to make a difference. Seeking early professional financial advice and guidance about the options to mitigate your liability is a

Investing for tax-free dividends
Investing for tax-free dividends No longer the precursor to end-of-tax-year planning Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) provide the opportunity for appropriate investors to support the growth of small UK businesses and receive attractive tax reliefs in return. Introduced in 1995, VCTs enable smaller companies that may find it hard to get traditional finance, such as from banks. VCTs have historically been used as an end-of-tax-year financial planning tool, but this is no longer the case. They may appeal to investors who

Different types of life insurance
Different types of life insurance When it comes to your life insurance, you’ve got options ‘Single life’ policies cover just one person. A ‘joint life’ policy covers two people, and when one person on the policy dies, the money is paid out and the policy ends. You will need to decide whether the joint policy pays out on first or second death, as this will determine when the policy ends. When choosing between these options, think about: Affordability – a

Protecting your identity
Protecting your identity Common ways fraudsters can steal your personal information As individuals, throughout our lifetime we exchange personal information with a vast number of institutions including banks, credit card suppliers, utility companies, supermarkets, government organisations and retailers. This may be to receive important services, but also to allow us to do the fun things like shopping, eating out or going on holiday. Fraudulent or stolen identities being used to make false applications for credit cards or loans, to obtain

Festive gifts
Festive gifts Building wealth for a solid financial future As a parent, guardian or grandparent, you’ll want to provide the best future for your children or grandchildren that you can. Christmas is an excellent time to encourage children to start thinking about the value of money. Many children have hundreds of pounds spent on them at Christmas. But could that money be put to better use? Rather than buying yet more toys for your children or grandchildren, why not consider

Dot-com crash to global financial crisis
Dot-com crash to global financial crisis Busting the myths of investment companies’ performance Saturday 15 September 2018 marked ten years since the collapse of Lehman Brothers. And with the bull market following the global financial crisis – now the longest in history in the US – it’s useful to revisit the past. The Association of Investment Companies (AIC)[1] has looked at the long-term performance of investment companies from just before the dot-com bubble burst in 2000 and just after the

Sandwich Generation
Sandwich Generation Financially squeezed between elderly parents and children Faced with the task of caring for elderly parents alongside your children, being in the Sandwich Generation can be a testing time. Finding yourself squeezed between – and often by – these two generations can be very stressful. As well as facing time pressures, chances are your finances will be stretched too. New research[1] warns that the UK’s Sandwich Generation is feeling strained when it comes to their financial responsibilities. It

Volatility, risk and market declines
Volatility, risk and market declines Relentless and continual rise in value over the very long term, punctuated by falls There is an undeniable correlation between geopolitics, market sentiment and the macro trading environment. But over long periods, we have seen markets recover from downturns, although past performance is no indicator of future performance. Corrections can be healthy and result in even stronger growth in the future, although this isn’t guaranteed and you could get back less than you invest. This

Renewal of Corporate Chartered Financial Planners Status
Renewal of Corporate Chartered Financial Planners Status Our managing partner, Laurence Turner, has been in financial services since May 1986 and has been authorised to give advice on and transact occupational pension transfers for decades. This in no way means he’s out of touch, quite the contrary. Along with the rest of the Investing for Tomorrow team, Laurence is fully qualified and constantly gaining new skills and certificates. He elected to take the latest exam to prove he is still

Funding your golden years
Funding your golden years Tax aspects require careful planning after recent government changes Pensions have the reputation of being confusing, but they needn’t be. Private pensions are usually used by people who don’t have access to a workplace pension scheme, but you can also have one if you are employed or not working. They work in much the same way as workplace pension schemes, but you, rather than an employer, are responsible for choosing the provider and setting up your

Pension freedoms
Pension freedoms Taking responsibility for funding our own retirement Although each generation will likely face different challenges and opportunities, achieving retirement readiness will require actions common to us all. We all know that our ageing population and increased life expectancy are putting a strain on government finances. Following pension freedoms, there’s greater choice than ever before in how you access and take your retirement benefits. Now, more than ever, it is vital that we all take responsibility for funding our

Diversified portfolio
Diversified portfolio Effective tool for reducing risk and volatility without necessarily giving up returns When you start investing, or even if you are a sophisticated investor, one of the most important tools available is diversification. Whether the market is bullish or bearish, maintaining a diversified portfolio is essential to any long-term investment strategy. Diversification allows an investor to spread risk between different kinds of investments (called ‘asset classes’) to potentially improve investment returns. This helps reduce the risk of the