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Putting life on hold

Cost-of-living crisis delays homeownership, having children and retirement. Rising living costs have been so significant in recent months that most UK households will have noticed a squeeze on their monthly budgets. Not only does this have a direct impact on people’s lifestyles, even though they are making every effort to cut back, but it has a knock-on effect on their lifelong goals such as owning a home or retiring comfortably. Millions of people across the UK fear that the long-term

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Inheritance Tax receipts reach £6.1bn

What if I could make my wealth more tax-efficient? We all want to leave a legacy and make sure the ones we care about most are well taken care of when we’re gone. That’s why making plans for Inheritance Tax is so important, to have confidence that your children, grandchildren and those you hold dearest will be taken care of long into the future. Inheritance Tax is a tax on the estate of someone who has passed away. The standard

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Self-employed extremely vulnerable to loss of income

81% aren’t seeking financial advice. Self-employed people are at risk of financial hardship if they don’t have sufficient provision in place. Without a regular income, it can be difficult to cover expenses and also save for the future. In many cases, the self-employed are unable to claim for many of the benefits that employees are entitled to, including statutory sick pay. Being self-employed also means you don’t have the luxury of having an employer to rely on for sickness cover

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How to reduce Inheritance Tax by leaving a gift

Planning for your wealth preservation and the eventual transfer of that wealth. When you’ve worked hard and invested carefully to build your wealth, you want to look after it. That’s why it’s important to plan for your wealth preservation and the eventual transfer of that wealth. If you’re considering making a gift to someone, there are a few things you need to know about Inheritance Tax. Gifts can be a great way to reduce the amount of Inheritance Tax that

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Tips for a healthy pension as you approach retirement

What really important retirement questions should you be asking? As you approach the last five years before your retirement, there will be a lot of things to consider. You’ll need to think about your finances, your health, your housing situation, and your plans for the future to live comfortably in retirement. There will be lots of questions to ask: How much money will I need to have saved? What will my income sources be in retirement? What kind of lifestyle

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Inflation eating your savings?

How to benefit from tax reliefs in the current financial year. As your income increases, the complexity of your finances may too. Tax-efficiency is a key consideration when investing because it can make such an enormous difference to your wealth and quality of life. However, the type of investment and tax-efficiency you should be looking for depends firstly on whether your priority is to save a lump sum for the future, or to draw an income today. There are a

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Recession-proof your finances

10 practical steps to ensure your money is working hard for you. In these uncertain times, it’s more important than ever to make sure your finances are in order. The Bank of England believes that a painful squeeze on our living standards, driven, primarily, by soaring energy prices, is set to intensify and will push the UK economy into recession later this year.[1] Making your finances recession-proof is all about taking practical steps to ensure your money is working hard

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Show me the money

How to invest your money and avoid costly mistakes. It’s not surprising that the world of investing can seem complex, especially in the current global economic climate. Investors face an endless supply of market news, many investment choices and often-changing market conditions. There are a number of key principles that every investor should follow with the aim of building an effective long-term strategy designed to achieve their financial goals. Here’s our rundown of the 10 principles that every investor needs

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Self-employed vulnerable to financial shocks

New research highlights that 81% aren’t seeking financial advice. As more and more people reject the traditional working structure in favour of becoming self-employed, some people could be at risk of financial insecurity as they lose out on employee benefits that offer protection in the present, and financial planning for the future. New research highlights this groups vulnerability to financial shocks and the importance of expert financial advice to open up conversations to ensure that all aspects of protection are

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Managing the impact to your pension

Just two out of five have planned for inflation in retirement. Retirement planning can be complex at the best of times so it is easy to understand how some people can find it daunting to take into account factors like inflation. The reality is that inflation hurts everyone, but it can be especially harmful to retirees. Whether it’s the price of food, fuel, energy or other goods and services that we purchase, inflation is definitely increasing. The current economic climate

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Rising cost of living crisis

3 tips to maintain your financial wellbeing. The rising cost of living is one of the most pressing issues facing many families today. The price of food, energy, fuel and other necessities has risen significantly in recent months. This has made it difficult to make ends meet and has put a strain on many household budgets. Planning for the rising cost of living can be a challenge, especially if your income isn’t keeping up with inflation. As many people feel

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Wealth vs health

More than half ignore medical advice and work despite poor health due to financial worries. When you are off work due to an illness or injury, worries about how you are going to pay your bills can make an already stressful situation worse. So much so, that many people are finding themselves in the very difficult position of having to put the need to earn money over their health by continuing to go to work, even when advised not to

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